Trends der Branche

Wie man von einem Legacy-PMS auf eine moderne Plattform wechselt

Petra Hancz

Petra Hancz

transition from a legacy hotel PMS to a platform

Hotel groups often find themselves facing challenges of implementing transformative digital initiatives. While budget constraints remain a major hurdle, it’s important to recognise that many other obstacles stem from the need for effective organisational change management.

One common challenge is the false sense of comfort that comes from the usage of outdated legacy & all-in-one systems. This reluctance to embrace innovation can hinder the ability to adapt to changing market demands.

In our guide, we aim to equip you with invaluable insights and best practices to successfully navigate the transition from a legacy hotel PMS to a modern property management platform at your organisation. 

But why should you consider a platform approach instead of sticking to your legacy property management system?

  • The potential pitfalls of legacy and all-in-one systems

  • The game-changing concept of composable hospitality

  • Real-life examples of hoteliers succeeding with the platform approach

  • The essential questions you need to ask before implementing a new property management platform

Download our guide!

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