Trends der Branche

Eine neue Skalenverschiebung: Die spielverändernde Kraft von Composable Hospitality

Martin Reichenbach

Martin Reichenbach


The world is constantly changing, and with it our beloved hospitality industry is facing ongoing uncertainty. I'm honoured to have contributed to the latest edition of The Hotel Yearbook Technology.

Here are the key takeaways of my article:

  • The hospitality industry is on the brink of a massive digital disruption that could see half of the top 10 hotel companies being less than a decade old by 2030.

  • To stay competitive, traditional operations need to change their mindset, invest in technology, train their staff, and restructure their teams. New skill gaps are also emerging, which accommodation businesses need to fill now to stay relevant.

  • The concept of composable hospitality allows hotel operators to continuously evolve their services and stay competitive, regardless of their size. We’re already seeing some of the “new kids on the block” apply composable hospitality at the very core of their businesses, ultimately giving them a competitive edge.

Download the full article!

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