Hoteles Independientes

Cómo arthotel Bakker alcanzó más del 90 % de satisfacción de los huéspedes y una tasa de ocupación del 98 %

Petra Hancz

Petra Hancz


In a time when guest expectations are higher than ever, arthotel bakker on Borkum Island has discovered a winning formula that not only delights its guests but also drives significant revenue growth. Under the expert management of Neele Benken and Sören Hüppe since 2011, this charming hotel, nestled in the idyllic setting of Borkum, features 62 beautifully designed rooms and has cultivated a loyal base of repeat guests over the years.

In this success story, we explore the diverse hotel tech stack that powers arthotel bakker to deliver a welcoming experience that keeps guests coming back year after year. We sat down with Sören Hüppe, Managing Director, to dive deeper into the digital journey with Apaleo and how it has transformed their operations.

Challenge: Bringing the guest experience into the digital age

When Sören Hüppe acquired arthotel bakker in 2021, the property was in dire need of modernisation. The challenge was not just about updating the physical infrastructure but also integrating a modern hotel technology stack that could support the hotel's operations and growth ambitions. 

"We had seven months to rebuild the whole house, but we also had the goal to create a fully digital experience for our guests. Therefore, we knew that we wanted to build a new, holistic tech stack that serves each departmental needs." - Sören added. "The beauty of Apaleo lies in its seamless access to APIs." - he continued.

Solution: Selecting the right hotel apps for every business goal

When Sören and his team decided to modernise the hotel, they chose Apaleo as their property management platform, replacing their legacy hotel PMS. Apaleo’s API-first approach and inherent flexibility allowed them to seamlessly integrate and test various hotel apps, enabling them to create a unique experience for both guests and staff.

"The Apaleo Store made it easy to connect with the latest hotel tech. If something didn’t work out, it wasn’t a problem - we could just swap it for another app in the same category." - Sören confirmed.

The team chose Gauvendi for feature-based selling, enabling guests to book specific room features like views or proximity to amenities. Additionally, they have just chosen MAIC, a concierge service app, to further enhance pre-stay upselling and automate guest services. To tie it all together, they use, a no-code tool for automating workflows such as reservations and billing. 

Result: 90%+ guest satisfaction and record-breaking occupancy

The new tech stack, with Apaleo at its core, significantly reduced manual processes through automation and seamless integration. This efficiency freed up staff to focus on enhancing guest experiences rather than administrative tasks. Following the renovation and the shift to a fully digital guest journey, guest satisfaction soared to over 90%, with summer occupancy reaching 98%. These impressive results highlight the power of a well-integrated tech stack in driving both operational success and guest satisfaction.

Challenge: Managing personalised guest demands and communication overload

arthotel bakker faced significant challenges in managing the personalised demands of their guests. Many guests had specific requirements for bedding, room size, balcony features, and particular views or room locations. The hotel's existing reservation system struggled to efficiently handle these requests, leading to an increased workload for the front office due to a surge in direct communication with guests. Additionally, the hotel aimed to attract a younger clientele and support higher pricing structures while managing gaps in bookings caused by a four-night minimum stay policy.

Solution: Dynamic inventory and feature-based selling with the GauVendi and Apaleo integration

To address these challenges, the hotel integrated three key GauVendi modules - Internet Sales Engine, Sales Optimizer, and Inventi-Flow - with Apaleo. This integration enabled a dynamic inventory approach, allowing the hotel to sell the same physical rooms in numerous ways without the risk of overbooking. Gauvendi’s platform automated the management of guest preferences, optimised room assignments, and streamlined restriction management, thereby reducing the need for direct communication. This allowed guests, especially regulars, to select and confirm room features according to their preferences directly on the website, enhancing the booking experience.

Result: Increased feature-upsell revenue averaging €4,000/month

The integration of Gauvendi with Apaleo significantly boosted upsell revenue, enabling the hotel to offer personalised room features at optimal pricing. Guests were more satisfied with the booking process, as they could easily choose rooms that met their specific needs, reducing direct inquiries to hotel staff. The dynamic inventory approach also filled booking gaps more efficiently, contributing to a 30% increase in upsell revenue, including the additional €4,000 per month, which translates directly to profit.

Future outlook

Sören and his team are exploring further integrations with cutting-edge technologies, including plans to implement AI-driven apps to support 24/7 guest interactions. 

Looking ahead, Sören envisions a transformative shift in the industry, driven by the rise of potential in feature-based selling. He predicts that the approach, where guests can customise their stay by selecting specific room features, will eventually replace the traditional method of booking rooms by type.

"By empowering guests to design their ideal stay, hotels can better meet their needs while also increasing their bottom line. This isn’t just about keeping up with trends - it’s about leading the way in redefining the guest experience." - Sören concluded.

A dive into the tech stack of arthotel bakker

Browse apps in the Apaleo Store:

Title image source: Matthias Emminger, heyFreedom PHOTO & FILM, Hamburg

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